August 2024

As we continue to highlight stories of nonprofits that are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness, The Jim Moran Foundation remains committed to proactively focusing on housing initiatives that create a pathway to self-sufficiency, especially for seniors.

Nonprofits collaborate to keep seniors secure

The Foundation recently awarded a $710,000.00 grant to expand its partnership with Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida (CCLA) for its Senior Housing Stability Project. With rising rents, homeowner insurance rates and the cost of daily living, older adults in Broward County are increasingly facing evictions and homelessness. Through a collaboration between CCLA and Goodman Jewish Family Services of Broward County (JFS), the Project provides seniors like Ms. Lorine (pictured right) with legal services, case management, wrap-around services and emergency financial assistance for long-term self-sufficiency. Since launching the Project in 2018 with support from The Foundation, 550 seniors have remained safely housed.

Shared below are words of appreciation from one client and the story of another who avoided homelessness with help from the CCLA and JFS compassionate, hardworking team:

Restoring stability: Louise's story

Louise is a low-income, disabled senior with a history of mental illness. After years of homelessness and living in her car, she had finally found stability in a subsidized housing program. However, Louise's newfound independence was threatened when she fell victim to a financial scam. After money was stolen from her account, the bank froze her funds. Louise was unable to pay her rent, and the landlord filed an eviction case against her. Facing the possibility of homelessness again, Louise came to CCLA just days before her potential eviction. CCLA attorneys quickly negotiated with her landlord, advocating for understanding and time. They reached a settlement that stopped the eviction process and created a repayment plan. Through the Project's grant, Louise received emergency financial assistance for an initial payment. Recognizing the need to prevent future issues, JFS case managers then coordinated automatic rent payments directly from her benefits check. Louise expressed relief and gratitude for the support that enabled her to continue her journey of personal recovery. She called the Project her "Guardian Angel, saving me when I needed it most."

Project Honored with Collaboration Award

For the Project's impactful partnership on behalf of seniors in Broward County, CCLA was recognized with the 2024 Non-Profit of the Year Award for "Collaboration" by 211 Broward during the 13th Annual Community Care Plan Non-Profit Awards. Pictured above: staff from CCLA and JFS celebrated their achievements together at the ceremony.

Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida

Goodman Jewish Family Services of Broward County

Learn more about our grants

The Jim Moran Foundation awards grants throughout the year. More than $17 million has been funded so far in 2024. If your organization would like to apply, please read our Grant Making Guidelines for information about our current funding focuses and application process.

2024 Grants to Date

About The Jim Moran Foundation

Founded by automotive pioneer Jim Moran, the mission of The Jim Moran Foundation is to improve the quality of life for the youth and families of Florida through the support of innovative programs and opportunities that meet the ever-changing needs of the community. The Foundation has invested more than $270 million in education, elder care, family strengthening and transitional living initiatives since its inception in 2000 with efforts currently focused in Broward, Palm Beach and Duval counties. Through a long-term Grant Agreement, The Foundation’s significant funder is JM Family Enterprises, Inc. To learn more, visit
